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Organizational Assessments & System Audits...

Our methods eliminate the "hidden-costs" of confusion in your organization and your employees. The perceptions, habits and actions of your employees determine the profitability of your internal operations. We audit your current systems and identify points of conflict that are adding to your "hidden costs".

MCTS services help you develop flexible and effective accountability systems. Your accountability system must be designed to meet diverse internal and external operational needs. And it must provide clear, direct, and timely communication of changing requirements. Well-integrated management systems are fully supported by established values and habits that quickly stabilize the change-process with minimal slippage.

A List of Assessment Sample Topics:

Organizational Culture
Change Readiness
Individual & Organizational Credibility Assessments
360 Degree Competency Feedback Index
Leadership Practices Inventory
Team Development Assessments
Change Impact Assessments
Process Audits
Workflow Analysis & Costs Audit
Customer Service Index
Employee Satisfaction
Employee Commitment

Organizational Profiles are comprehensive organizational assessments that can be conducted on the entire organization or can be scaled down to focus on a specific business unit or department. These profiles provide insight to and feedback on a wide variety of critical organizational issues, and can be fine-tuned to meet most needs. Organizational Profiles help to answer questions such as:

Are we ready for this change?
How can we improve our customer service?
How can management work more effectively with employees?
How can we work more effectively and efficiently?
Are we communicating effectively?
Is our structure giving us the capacity to deliver on our strategy?

Generally, there are three types of audit:

  1. The Focused Audit - Attention is directed at one or two specific areas that you would like evaluated in your organization. The audit may focus on learning design and development practices, or on delivery and implementation practices. This focused audit includes detail in specific targeted areas of the learning process within your organization.
  2. The General Audit - We evaluate the link between your organization's business strategies/objectives and the learning and training agenda. This is a high level audit that does not review learning design, development, delivery or feedback. This audit can serve as a starting point for further study in those areas.
  3. The Comprehensive Audit - We evaluate the alignment of business objectives to learning & performance outcomes. In addition, we assess all functions of the learning and training process, from design and development to delivery and implementation to feedback and evaluation. This audit results in significant data that is used to build an action agenda for change and improvement.

There are six main stages associated with Organizational Assessments & System Audits. The six stages are:

Stage 1: Strategic Assessment

Stage 2: Organizational Assessment

Stage 3: Organizational Design

Stage 4: Implementation Planning

Stage 5: Organizational Maintenance

Leadership must actively take part in the change process, lead by example and reinforce those expectations throughout the organization. Leadership must learn to ask questions -- and learn to truly listen. Leadership must empower their employees and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. These are the marks of true leaders and the backbone of thriving companies.

As companies tap the thinking potential of the workforce, structured business communication becomes integral to the equation for organizational business accountability. Each training product ensures the communication development, reinforcement, and audit processes required for individual, group, or organizational communication effectiveness. Because there are many specific issues associated with communication, we offer a number of extremely effective services designed to improve communication processes and interpersonal awareness.

A useful book that we recommend is The Organizational Hologram: the Effective Management of Organizational Change. It is very comprehensive and is able to leverage both academic concepts and practical realities to advance the state of the art in managing organizational change.


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